TOP TRIZ is next generation of TRIZ, a result of three decades of development of TRIZ by Zinovy Royzen, a TRIZ Master. TOP TRIZ increases effectiveness problem formulation and problem solving while being user friendlier and easier to learn and apply than Classical TRIZ. Also, TOP TRIZ guides to maximize utilization of the recourses in order to develop the most ideal and least expensive solutions.
TOP TRIZ is based on Tool-Object-Product function modeling which made possible to develop next generation of TRIZ making Classical TRIZ outdated. TOP TRIZ has integrated next generation of TRIZ methods into a universal, very effective and user-friendly system for innovation. The power of TOP TRIZ has been proven by solving many challenging and "unsolvable" problems.
A set of TOP TRIZ courses provides the learners of TOP TRIZ with different level of practical experience sufficient to achieve outstanding results.
TOP TRIZ Problem Formulator and Solver software accelerates learning and application of the method.
TOP TRIZ methodology provides advantages in systematic innovation in order to develop better products and processes at a lower cost and in less time while being user friendly.
Elegant and valuable solutions to your most difficult design and manufacturing problems can be obtained much faster than they can be obtained by traditional ways. The right solution at right time can potentially save hundreds of man-hours, millions of dollars, and accelerate a project by days, months, even years.
TOP TRIZ Problem Formulation is a universal approach to analyze any situation needing an improvement. It includes TOP-TRIZ Function Analysis of the current problems of the project, known solutions to these problems and their disadvantages, analysis of the history of the problem and constraints. It includes analysis of the alternatives of the system and Ideal Ways.
Ideal Ways is an analytical method made up of the ideal directions for improving the situation. For example, if a component of the system is involved in a disadvantage, Ideal Way 1 suggests two ways to get rid of the component by eliminating its function. Ideal Way 2 suggests two ways to get rid of the component by its substitution. Ideal Way 3 guides you to make the component itself eliminate its disadvantage.
TOP-TRIZ problem formulation guides you to develop an exhaustive set of problems associated with your system and its need for an innovative solution.
According to Tool-Object-Product (TOP) Modeling, the complete model of a function has four elements. It has the tool of the function (or the function provider), the object of the function (or recipient of the action of the tool), the action of the tool at the object, and one more component — the product of the function. The action is described by one arrow, which simplifies the model.
Advantages of TOP Function Modeling:
Neither the tool of the function nor the object of the function has to be a substance as it is required in Substance-Field Model. In TOP TRIZ Model, an object is anything we want to modify. It can be a field. TOP Function Modeling allows you to model any function in any system. It is a more generic way to model a function than Substance-Field Modeling.
Desired and unwanted products of the functions of a modeled system improve understanding of the system and simplify analysis of the system resources.
Introducing the product of a function into its model provides a very convenient and understandable link between functions. For example, a product of the first function can be a tool or an object of a subsequent function.
The link between functions is important in understanding not only a desired performance of a product, but also the chain of unwanted functions. Links between functions simplify cause-effect analysis and improve the process of revealing the cause of a current or potential failure of a product.
TOP-Function Modeling is supported by templates to guide you in modeling any type of functions and in describing the performance of your system, its interaction with its supersystem and environment by a number of functions.
Any single function or a conflict can be considered separately and classified according to TOP TRIZ Flow Chart. Function modeling helps you to understand the system’s performance, state the set of problems to consider, classify the problems, and determine the TRIZ Methods to be applied according to the TOP TRIZ Flow Chart.
TOP TRIZ Flow Chart classifies problems into six classes and offers corresponding problem solving methods for each class of problems. TOP TRIZ problem solving methods based on further development of Classical Standard Solutions and ARIZ. TOP TRIZ guides you to develop an exhaustive set of innovative solutions. It also aims to maximize utilization of the resources of the system, its supersystem and environment to make the best solutions inexpensive.
In the development of the next generation of Standard Solutions, they were reclassified, more Standards were added, many Standards were reformulated, many Standards were integrated, so the total number of the Standards was reduced. Reclassification of the Standards helped to develop the simplest and user- friendly TOP TRIZ Flow Chart. Each Standard gets a step-by-step guide for its successful application. As a result, TOP TRIZ problem solving methods became more effective, easier to learn and apply.
Conflict Solving Algorithm
TOP TRIZ Conflict Solving Algorithm is the next generation of Altshuller’s Algorithm for Inventive Problem Solving (ARIZ.) Integration of TRIZ Methods allowed reducing the number of steps in ARIZ and improving its effectiveness. The steps were redesigned, and each step received a template.
Initial function analysis of a system has improved identification of the right conflicts. TOP function modeling improves understanding of the conflict and its opposite versions. One of the most difficult steps in ARIZ – formulation of the Macro level physical contradiction — is simplified significantly. Techniques for Physical Contradiction Separation are reformulated, supplied with step-by-step templates and an additional technique was added. As a result, even the most difficult problems with contradictions involved can be routinely solved while minimizing product changes and costs.
TOP TRIZ Flow Chart guides you from the very beginning of the process. In general, problem formulation results in an exhaustive set of problems. Selecting one problem at a time, the user classifies the problem according to the TOP TRIZ Flow Chart and identifies the methods to apply. Each method could help to develop several concepts. However, it is very seldom that any of the concepts could be implemented right away. In most cases, any concept could bring at least one or two subsequent problems.
Subsequent Problems
No matter what class the original problem is, the most common subsequent problems are the following:
In the worst situation, a concept might cause all three subsequent problems together.
A subsequent problem is not the reason to reject a concept. TOP TRIZ Flow Chart guides you to classify the new problem and apply the corresponding methods. And again, several concepts could be developed to solve this new problem. And again, the best concept might bring its own new problems. And again, new problems have to be classified according to TOP TRIZ Flow Chart. And so on, until there are no more new problems needing innovative solutions.
TOP TRIZ methodology guides you in your project to formulate an exhaustive set of problems associated with your system, the current problem and your objectives.
Then, TOP TRIZ guides you to develop an exhaustive set of the best solutions. This approach helps you not only select the most ideal solution for implementation. Having the exhaustive set of the commercially applicable solutions is the basis for a reliable patent protection of your business.
The complete program includes three 40-hour courses.
The Program of Designing and Manufacturing Better Products Faster Using TRIZ
Advanced Courses
The objective of the advanced courses is to help TRIZ users in gaining advanced level experience in applying TRIZ and confidence in working on their real-life problems and facilitation of TRIZ facilitation of teams.
The software was designed to help learning TOP-TRIZ, applying it and facilitating teams. It uses the same terminology and steps as training materials. It prevents beginners from making many typical mistakes.
The software includes all steps of TOP TRIZ problem formulation and all steps of TOP TRIZ revealing causes of a failure (TOP TRIZ Root Cause Analysis), TOP TRIZ Conflict Solving Algorithm and Physical Contradiction Separation Methods, TOP TRIZ Direct Ways for Harmful Action Elimination and TOP TRIZ Building a Sufficient Function. The software is supplied with a customized list of physical fields and effects.
The TOP TRIZ courses provide the learners with practical experience sufficient to achieve outstanding results.
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