TRIZ (the Russian acronym for the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) is a unique knowledge-based methodology for generating new concepts. Unknown in US until early 90s now TRIZ is being successfully used all over the world by companies, scientists and even politicians. Applying TRIZ, companies were able to solve simingly unsolvable problems and shorten problem solving process from months and years to hours. The power of TRIZ is based on the understanding of the evolution of successful products, ways to overcome psychological barriers and generalization of the ways used to solve problems in the most innovative inventions. TRIZ involves a systematic analysis of a problem to be solved and the application of a series of guidelines for the generation of solution alternatives.
The rate of generating breakthrough concepts and ideas for improvement of a current product or replacement it with next product-generation has become the real key to success in competition. What technology do you use to generate breakthrough concepts and ideas? What methods do you use to a solve conflict avoiding a trade-off by atisfying both of the conflicting requirements. How reliable is your technological forecast of improvements of your and competitors' products? How do decision makers solve their long-term planning dilemmas?
Developed in the former Soviet Union, TRIZ methods are drawn from analysis of the most innovative inventions in different industries technologies and fields of engineering. The common trends in the evolution of many successful products were described. These trends provide an understanding of product development and point to opportunities to accelerate product development cycle. These trends are reliable base for a technological forecast of improvement of a current product or replacement it with next product-generation.
TRIZ analysis of an innovative situation has integrated system approach, function analysis and TRIZ function modeling. In problem formulation and problem solving, TRIZ aims to maximize utilization of the resources of the product or process, its supersystem and environment.
TRIZ classifies innovative problems and offers corresponding problem solving methods for each class of problems. The methods include algorithms for resolving conflicts between product parameters while minimizing product changes and costs. Problems with contradictions involved could be routinely solved.
TRIZ is becoming recognized as a powerful technology for systematic innovation.